Back in 2013, Henry Cavill starred in an iconic portrayal of Superman in Zack Snyder’s DCEU film, Man of Steel. With The Flash being recently released, both Man of Steel and the 2023 movie received mixed reviews from the people.
Although both films received mixed reviews, The Flash was blasted by fans for having terrible VFX and CGI. Comparing a film that was made 10 years ago to the CGI and VFX of present times, fans mourned the loss of Zack Snyder’s bond with Warner Bros. and how the tables turned so quickly!
Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel Gets Compared To The Flash
With Man of Steel being 10 years old, the movie indeed has certain VFX and CGI capabilities which were way ahead of their time. Although the movie received average ratings due to its altered ending and Snyder’s different directorial style, one thing that the movie didn’t lack was CGI and VFX.
Since the recently released DCU movies are not faring that well, people took to X (formerly Twitter) to talk about the VFX qualities of the current DCU movies and the skills of Zack Snyder in Henry Cavill’s 2013 film Man of Steel and all the DCEU projects later on.
Zack Snyder WB
— Ω Fili Ω (@TheVespertilio) November 29, 2023
Seeing a clear visual difference in style and the detailing of the costumes, people took to X to talk about how the current Warner Bros. Discovery is not handling it well and that they miss Zack Snyder.
isnt man of steel like 10 years old it looks so much better than the flash????
— CatGirl Homelander (@CatGrlHomelandr) November 29, 2023
The Batman on the right makes me so angry! Look at Ben, just standing casually in broad daylight in a terrible costume with the facial expression of a quip artist. Just awful.
— Gopi Bain | Author of Children of Decay (@GopiBain) November 29, 2023
They didn’t even get zod’s hair right lmao in the dang flash lol.
— Just Paul (@JustPaulRB) November 30, 2023
The downgrade is embarrassing. The are also 7-10 years of technical advancements between the left and the right columns.
— Jaime (@jaime_jx) November 29, 2023
And The Flash has a budget over 300 million by the way
— Storm (@Storm08885011) November 29, 2023
Bringing in several characters in the mix, The Flash was so confusing that Michael Keaton, who portrayed a different version of Batman, had to read the script three times to understand it!
Michael Keaton Had To Read The Flash‘s Script Three Times!
For his role as Batman, Michael Keaton was asked to reprise his role. As per the veteran actor. the script was too tough for him and thus, he had to read the whole script thrice to understand the complex storyline of The Flash as revealed by The Hollywood Reporter.
“I had to read it more than three times to go, ‘Wait, how does this work?’ They had to explain that to me several times. By the way, I’m not being arrogant, I hope, about this. I don’t say it like, ‘I’m too groovy.’ I’m stupid. There’s a lot of things I don’t know about. And so, I don’t know, I just kind of figured it out, but this was different.”
Well, whatever the case may be, The Flash, starring Ezra Miller and Michael Keaton received a rating of 6.7/10 on IMDB and an average of 63% on Rotten Tomatoes. The 2023 film is available to stream on Max in the U.S.