Unbelievably, the world’s largest centipede was discovered (video).
The enormous centipede is among the largest and most distinctive invertebrates in the world. From Africa to the Americas to Asia, they are widespread throughout the globe. Sadly, not everyone is acquainted with this problem.
The gigantic centipede has long, slender legs and is a large species. They can measure up to 30cm in length and weigh up to 100g. Typically, their hue is dark brown or reddish brown.

Although known for its large size, the Giant Centipede is a very friendly and non-toxic centipede to humans. They eat only plants and do not attack humans, unless threatened or in response to an intrusion.

The giant centipede is also a very intelligent and defenseless centipede. They can pretend to be dead or release poisonous fluids from their bodies to protect themselves from predators.
However, the Giant Centipede is facing increasing threats because of habitat degradation and is hunted for food and medicine. This is posing a serious threat to the existence of this particular insect on earth.