Unveiling the Mystery: Understanding the Decline in Followers for Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, and Kylie Jenner



Selena Gomez, Kylie Jenner and Ariana Grande
Selena Gomez, Kylie Jenner and Ariana Grande. Photo Courtesy: Instagram/Getty Images/kyliejenner/arianagrande

There had been reports making the rounds that social media accounts of some celebrities and common folk had been infected by a bug leading to them losing a good number of followers. Among those who were affected by the bug were singer-actress Selena Gomez, singer-actress Ariana Grande, and television personality Kylie Jenner. The reports said all three had lost over 2 million followers each.

The bug, which had affected the Instagram accounts of Selena, Ariana and Kylie, was noticed by the fans, who become confused by what was happening. One fan shared a screenshot of the account on Twitter stating that over 2 million followers have disappeared from Selena’s account.

Another fan shared a screenshot comparing Selena’s account with Ariana’s and stated that the latter has surpassed the former on Instagram where followers are concerned.

After the news broke, Instagram was quick to post out a message on their own Twitter account stating that they were working on the issue.

It appears everything is back as it should be, as, at the last check, Selena is showing 145 million followers, which is the same as Ariana. Kylie, who had dipped to 124 million when the bug hit, is now back to 126 million followers.


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